Our client was a 63-year old seasoned operating room Registered Nurse, who had since retired and was an adjunct nursing professor. He was a seat-belted driver who was struck from behind on May 24th, 2018 in an automobile crash with moderate impact/property damage.
As a result of the collision, he sustained two MR-documented lumbar herniations, at L1-2 and L4-5, and two cervical disc herniations at C3-4 and C5-6, four total herniations with impingement.
He treated with a local multidisciplinary medical practice, and obtained invasive treatments including lumbar epidural steroid injections (ESIs), cervical epidural steroid injections (ESIs), and eventually underwent a lumbar radio frequency ablation (RFA)/rhizotomy procedure to his lower back.
Approximately 15 years prior, as a result of a similar auto collision, our client had sustained similar lumbar herniations, and thus, the lumbar injuries from the May 24th, 2018 were an aggravation/activation of his pre-existing lumbar conditions/injuries.
Only four months later, on September 20th, 2018, Sokoloff & Weinstein, P.A. was able to garner a tender of the entire single policy Bodily Injury (BI) limit of $50,000.00.
Thereafter, per Florida Statute 627.727, we had advised our client’s uninsured motorist (UM)/underinsured motorist (UIM) carrier, who happened to be the same insurer of the liability coverage tender, and requested a waiver of UM/UIM subrogation from that insurer, which they did.
On December 3rd, 2018 after a series of demand packages with supplements, Sokoloff & Weinstein, P.A. was able to obtain an additional $50,000.00 from our client’s underinsured motorist policy, thus, a total settlement of $100,000.00.